2020 was an unprecedented year. The pandemic, season of protests, and political turbulence disrupted our normal. As such, our congregation, like so many others, had no choice but to pivot in order to meet the ever-changing needs of the moment. As pastor, I'm grateful to God that by grace we weathered the storm and are sailing toward safe harbor. With all hands on deck, we continue to launch out into the deep.
One of the ways we pivoted was by updating our website. Our updated website offers members and friends wonderful ways to stay connected to The Helm during this time in which we gather virtually. Indeed, The Helm of the present and future will be a hybrid church, one that is high tech as it remains high touch. Embracing newer technologies is just one way this old ship of Zion will continue to carry many passengers and navigate the waters of change.
Part of this website revision is the restoration of the Pastor's blog, now called The Compass. A compass always points us to true north; I am convinced that my chief task as pastor is to point you to Jesus, and guide us ever toward his will. This blog will both inspire and inform, extending the pastoral task to you as you navigate life.
I hope you will be blessed by The Compass, share it with family and friends, and use it to help you keep your eyes of Jesus.